Understand the cause of blackheads to better remove them

Before you learn how to remove blackheads, you have to understand their formation. These open comedones are on the surface of the skin. They are recognizable by their small black dot appearance. If you press them, a white liquid comes out.

Blackheads are caused by hyperseborrhea, that is, the overproduction of sebum. The latter is a liquid produced by the sebaceous glands to protect the dermis from external aggressions. However, in case of excess sebum, the skin is unbalanced and can produce imperfections, including blackheads.

Blackheads are part of acne. They are open comedones. Sebum, when in contact with air, oxidizes and turns brown. These oxidized pimples are especially noticeable when you have enlarged pores.

Conversely, closed comedones are microcysts that have the shape of a white dot. Pimples such as cysts or papules come from an inflammatory reaction of the epidermis.

Regulate sebum production to eliminate blackheads

If you want to permanently get rid of blackheads, the best way is to regulate seborrhea. You should return to normal sebum production to avoid the accumulation of this liquid on the skin surface and reduce the formation of skin imperfections.

Blackheads are a light first step in acne. These are retentional lesions that do not leave scars, but can be difficult to remove.

To rebalance oily and combination skin that is more prone to blackheads, you can:

  • Revoir votre routine beauté et vos produits cosmétiques ;
  • Utiliser des soins pour le visage adaptés à la peau grasse et la peau acnéique ;
  • Effectuer un gommage doux 1 à 2 fois par semaine pour éliminer les cellules mortes et renouveler l’épiderme ;
  • Ajuster votre alimentation ;
  • Agir sur les troubles et les déséquilibres hormonaux qui peuvent augmenter la production de sébum.

Having a skincare routine adapted to your skin type is essential. Morning and evening, apply beauty products that meet your needs. For skin with imperfections, we recommend dermatological care for oily skin from the Regulator range.

The routine to eliminate blackheads without piercing them

If you are wondering: it is not recommended to pierce blackheads, especially with his fingers. You take the risk of causing inflammation of the skin tissues and thus aggravate the appearance of acne pimples.

So, no, don’t pierce your pores to extract the comedones! Besides, it won’t help. With seborrhea, they will reappear immediately.

Here is a routine to regulate excess sebum and remove blackheads without piercing them.

First step: cleaning

Deep cleansing of the skin helps to eliminate impurities, pollution, makeup, but also sebum accumulated on the skin and creates areas of shine. You start with the Purifying Micellar Solution, suitable for problem skin, and which removes makeup without aggression.

Recommended by dermatologists, it smoothes the skin texture, reduces skin imperfections, including blackheads, and offers a tonic effect, without drying the dermis.

You can then complete the facial cleansing with the Purifying Cleansing Gel. Composed of glycolic acid with slightly exfoliating effect, tea tree (tea tree) and burdock roots, excellent for the beauty of the skin, it deeply cleanses with an anti-acne and anti-inflammatory action.

Second step: care

Once your skin is clean, you are ready to treat and regulate it. Apply the Regulating Gel, which can also be used as a serum before a moisturizer. It consists of:
  • Sebum to regulate excess sebum;
  • Salicylic acid to regenerate the epidermis, unclog pores and eliminate dead skin;
  • Zinc for its sebegulatory effect;
  • Lavender essential oil for its purifying and healing power.

Once this anti-acne treatment is applied, do not forget to moisturize your skin with a moisturizing treatment. Hydration is essential so that the skin does not need to make excess sebum.

Hyperseborrhea means that your hydrolipidic film is unbalanced. In response, the sebaceous glands produce more sebum to strengthen the skin barrier and protect you from aggression. This protective film contains water and lipids.

A moisturizing or nourishing cream if you have dry skin is therefore essential to avoid blackheads.


Extra tip

You can also make masks once or twice a week to deeply purify the skin and promote. Green clay and charcoal masks are particularly effective for oily and combination skin.

All these treatments will allow you to regulate sebum secretions, reduce the appearance of pimples and regain clear skin.

Third step: remove blackheads on the body

Yes, you can have blackheads on the body! Wherever you have sebaceous glands, you can produce comedones. The back and chest are particularly prone to this type of imperfections. To remedy this, you can use our Dermocosmetic Exfoliating Soap.

This soap bar washes your body while performing a light peel. Composed of red algae, purifying, healing and moisturizing, it helps you tighten pores, regain beautiful skin and reduce small pimples and dead skin.

Tips to avoid blackheads

If you want to limit skin problems and blackheads, here are some tips to help, especially if you have acne-prone skin:

  1. Choose non-comedogenic products (lotion, mask, day cream, night cream, serum, foundation, etc.);
  2. Have good facial hygiene (do not sleep under makeup, wash your face once or twice a day…);
  3. Moisturize your skin daily (and drink plenty of water)
  4. Protect your skin from the sun and UV rays;
  5. Make an appointment with a dermatologist;
  6. Seek medical attention if you suspect a hormonal disorder;
  7. Last but not least, avoid touching your face with dirty fingers.

Blackheads are common and affect everyone. Take the time to properly analyze your skin and choose facial treatments that are suitable for skin problems. Be patient. Removing blackheads takes time, because it is your entire skin that you need to rebalance.


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